Podcast Movement Evolutions is underway in LA. Todd and MacKenzie are out there with Toby from Blubrry Pro Production. Mike is joined this week by Kate, also from the Blubrry Pro team! Kate and Mike have all the normal things such as News, Best Practice, Blubrry News, A Pro Tip from Toby and the question of the week. Thanks for listening!
- Tom Webster, EVP at Edison Research, presented the infinite dial at Podcast Movement Evolutions
- Apple explains their charts \
- More Apple: Apple adds follower (subscriber) numbers to their internal stats
- Ambies were held LIVE in LA on Tuesday night. AND the winners
- Google and PRX are doing another round of the Google Podcasts creator program. Signup starts March 29th
- Our own Toby Goodman has released his new book Narrow Podcasting
- Remember WinAmp? – It’s back in June!
Best Practice: An oldie, but a goodie – Show Prep. Be prepared before you hit the record button. It will make you sound smarter!
Blubrry News
- Blog post: How to build a podcast buffer
- Todd, MacKenzie and Toby are in LA for Podcast Movement Evolutions. Stop by booth 17 and say hi!
- Be sure to follow @Blubrry or @Blubrry_podcasting on all the social media places. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Our social media team is keeping things fresh over there!
Blubrry Pro Tip: Intros! (from LA this week)
Question of the Week: What’s the best way to make sure the sound in my podcast is leveled if I don’t have professional production?
Answer: The best way is Auphic. You can find it here. There is an online service and a stand-alone version you can download and install on Windows, Mac or Linux.
Got a question you’d like us to answer on the show? Drop an email to mike@blubrry.com (audio, text, video) and we may use it.
The best place for support with any Blubrry products/services is our ticket system (https://blubrry.com/support/). Tickets give the whole team access rather than direct emails or calls.
Coming to you this week from the Pro Production Studios in Tecumseh, Michigan & Mike Dell’s World Studio in Traverse City, Michigan. Produced by the Blubrry Pro-Production team.
- Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only). Email todd@blubrry.com
- Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only). Email mike@blubrry.com
- Send us your podcast sticker and a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) and we will send you a Blubrry care package.
Our mailing address is:
Blubrry – MacKenzie
150 E. Campus View Blvd. #180
Columbus, Ohio 43235
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