On this, the last “Your Podcast” where Todd is in Hawaii (at least for now), Todd and Mike talk about a new feature in Blubrry stats for hosting customers, iHeart Radio adding shows, Podtrac becoming IAB compliant and a bit of history of the IAB podcast measurement standards. Also, played a great promo from a Blubrry customer. (Send yours in today!)
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- Blubrry releases Partial Download Data in Stats (for a limited time to hosting customers)
- iHeart Radio adds a bunch of Podcasts (This one included) and is now up to 250,000 shows. (although some are still 404)
- Podtrac redoes it’s stats algorithm for IAB v2.0
- IAB Podcast Measurement Guidelines v2 and the story behind how they came to be.
- Fret Buzz The Podcast promo
- Name this podcast. We haven’t got any suggestions lately. So I guess it’s Your Podcast for the time being. Send in suggestions if you have them.
- Partial Download Stats – The Partial download stats do not have any effect on the total downloads you will see. They are just additional information. The Totals are what counts as a download according to the IAB v2.0 standard. The partials are just added info so you have some more insight of how your show is listened to (mostly by people hitting play on the web).
- Spotify Stats – The stats that Spotify shows you in either the spotify section of Blubrry stats or the stats at Spotify itself, are NOT included in the main blubrry stats. This is because spotify uses a different method to count “plays”. We can not add them to your main stats. In the future, we will go to Pass-through on Spotify which then will put Spotify numbers in the same stats with the rest of your stats.
- Blubrry accounts, Show Listings, Hosting subscriptions and Pro stats subscriptions. Please ask if you only want to get rid of one thing or the other. Delete account (with LOTS AND LOTS OF WARNING) will remove the entire account including your ability to login to blubrry.com.
To ask questions or to comment on the show, you can contact Todd or Mike here: yourpodcast@blubrry.com.